
   © 2003 - 2008, Kelvin P. Ringold A Work in Progress 
Titillating tidbits, juicy morsels, Kelvin-isms &
you won't
want to miss!

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The Archive

Hard to believe that it's been over 4 years since "Ramblings" started, but here we are and growing stronger.  Thank you for your support and loyalty.  Refresh your memory  with our past issues, or if you're new to Ramblings, just grab one and start reading.  I hear they're addictive.   For a lighter "bite sized" portion, check out Ramblings Lite; the blog.  It's a perfect "lunch time" read, for a quick mental pick me up ;-)

Have an awesome day.

We have only just begun. . . and thank you for your interest.

If you enjoyed these issues, consider subscribing via the box at the top left of this page. We promise you fun and/or thought provoking works in each issue, and if not? you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of every issue. If you *really* enjoyed it, pass this page on to your friends :-)-- there's a link for that too.

Take care for now, and have an *awesome* day.


"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another, with
no loss of enthusiam. (Sir Winston Churchill)

RESOLUTION for 2006:
Committed to my commitment!



 We must control our own destiny, or someone else will. . .